Why Police Officers Should Take the Fight to the Ground

Why Police Officers Should Take the Fight to the Ground

In the majority of use-of-force encounters, the primary goal is to gain control quickly and effectively while minimizing harm to both the officer and the suspect. One strategy that is often debated is whether officers should take the fight to the ground. Here, we'll discuss several reasons why ground control offers more advantages over trying to control an uncooperative suspect while both of you are on your feet. 

Better Control and Safety

The most significant advantage of ground fighting is the increased level of control it offers. When a suspect is on the ground, their ability to generate power and momentum is significantly reduced. This limitation makes it easier for officers to restrain them without causing significant injury. On the ground, officers can utilize leverage and body weight to maintain control, rather than relying solely on strength. When you're on the ground, the suspect has to not only fight you, but also gravity. This makes it a lot more difficult for them, especially if they have no idea what they're doing and you're trained in Jiu Jitsu.

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Reduced Risk of Injury

Injuries are a major concern in any physical altercation. Standing confrontations often involve strikes, which carry a high risk of injury. On the ground, the nature of the struggle changes. The focus shifts to control and restraint rather than striking, which inherently reduces the likelihood of causing severe injury to cops or suspects.

Minimizing Escalation of Force

Ground control can help de-escalate a situation. A suspect who is effectively controlled on the ground is less likely to be able to continue aggressive actions, reducing the need for additional force. This control allows officers time to communicate with the suspect, apply handcuffs, or wait for backup, if necessary.

Tactical Advantages

On the ground, it's easier for an officer to immobilize a suspect's limbs, reducing their ability to access weapons or resist arrest. This immobilization is harder to achieve when both parties are standing and the officer has to try and fight over hands. Furthermore, ground control positions can enable officers to apply non-lethal submission techniques, such as holds or locks, which can be instrumental in safely neutralizing a threat.

police training

Training and Skill Development

To effectively use ground control techniques, officers require consistent training. This training not only teaches specific techniques but also improves an officer's overall physical fitness, reaction time, and situational awareness. Regular training also allows officers to pressure test different techniques and concepts against fully resisting opponents, making it realistic for the street. 

Taking a fight to the ground offers several advantages for police officers, including enhanced control, reduced risk of injury, de-escalation of the situation, and tactical benefits. However, the successful implementation of these techniques depends heavily on consistent training. 

Learn lots of takedown options from common positions as a member of the Jiu Jitsu Five-O app! We'll teach you several ways to take someone to the ground, establish a dominant position and ultimately, get them into cuffs. All from your phone or computer. 

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