three day course

Takedowns & dominant Control positions

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What We'll Cover:

Learn how to take people to the ground when facing them, from the escort, from behind, and when pinned against a wall.

Learn how to defend wild punches, close the distance and use the clinch to control someone before taking them to the ground.

We'll not only show you how to take suspects to the ground, but also how to control them once there.

Often times when performing a takedown, suspects land on their back. We'll show you several effective ways to roll them onto their stomach and into a prone cuffing position.

Sample Technique // Single Leg


Class was awesome. Jason made things really easy to understand and was always open to questions. Smaller class was nice to get to know everyone. Never felt intimidated or overwhelmed. Made me excited to learn more and to take training more seriously when it comes to DT and UOF.

All techniques were directly applicable to law enforcement day to day operations. Each technique was effective for a range of officer size and was effective in taking the fight to the ground.

This course was amazing because it was all about making that commitment to go hands on and doing it. In addition, the whole vibe was nothing but positivity and enthusiasm which made the toughness elevate but in a strive-harder kind of way.

Awesome class. I don't think I used the 10 out of 10 scales right lol. Either way it was 15 out of 10! Can't wait to attend more- Thanks for an awesome time Jason and Kiel.

Thank you for providing this training. I have a whole new outlook on how to approach uncooperative people. Also understanding the importance of continuing to train this stuff and all the positive benefits BJJ can and will provide.

Great course. I'm grateful was able to attend.

Your Instructor

Jason Swartz is a former Police Officer of 11 years and a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt. During his career, he was a lead combatives instructor, field training officer and firearms instructor. He currently trains and teaches Jiu Jitsu to LEO's, police agencies and civilians full-time through his company, Jiu Jitsu Five-O.

Course BONUS

Complete Video Series

All attendees will also receive lifetime access to a complete video library of all the techniques they learned during this course.

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