Simple Jiu Jitsu Gym Etiquette for Beginners

police training

If you've decided to start training Jiu Jitsu this year, congrats! It's one of the best decisions you can make for your personal well being. As you begin your journey, it's important to understand some of important unwritten rules that come with training. Here are a few simple etiquette tips to ensure a great training experience for you and partners. 

Respect the Gym and its Culture 

Your gym will quickly become a second home and you'll make a lot of new friends along the way. As a new student, be sure to respect your instructors, training partners and upper belts.

Don't be Gross

Jiu Jitsu is a close-contact sport, making hygiene really important. Ensure you come to class with a clean gi (uniform), trim your nails, and maintain good personal hygiene. This not only shows respect for your training partners but also helps prevent the spread of nasty bacteria and infections like ring worm.

Be On time 

We joke about purple belts skipping warmups. But, don't be that person. Arriving on time for class is a sign of respect for your instructor and your fellow training partners. Ensure you're mentally and physically prepared for the session, leaving outside distractions behind.

Tap Early & Often 

Tapping out is a crucial part of training. It's also a great way to prevent yourself or your partner from getting injured. Don't let your ego get in the way; tap out early and often. Remember, tapping out is an opportunity to learn, not a sign of defeat. 

Be a Good Student

During demonstrations, listen attentively and observe closely. Avoid talking or practicing during these times. If you have questions, wait until the appropriate time to ask. Respect your instructor's knowledge and experience.

Rolling Etiquette

When rolling (sparring), match the intensity and skill level of your partner. It's not about winning; it's about learning. Be aware of your surroundings to avoid colliding with other people. If you do bump into others, stop immediately, apologize, and adjust your position. If you and your partner find yourself about to roll into higher ranking belts, stop, move to another location, and pick up where you left off. It's a sign of respect for those who have been training longer than you. 

Respect Everyone

Treat everyone, regardless of rank, with respect. Higher belts are often willing to share knowledge, so be humble and open to learning. Likewise, be patient and supportive when training with lower belts or less experienced students.

Leave Competitiveness at the Door

While healthy competition is part of Jiu Jitsu, the gym is primarily a learning environment. Focus on improving your skills and techniques rather than dominating your training partners and trying to "win" every round. 

Stay humble, keep learning and most importantly, don't quit. OSS! 

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